Respond to Vendor Discussions based on RFQ Documents 1. Click “E-Purchasing” 2. Click “Request for Quotation” 3. Click “Discussion” on each RFQ Document. 4. Click this button. 5. Click “Reply” 6. Click the “Message.” field. 7. Click “Send Message”. 8. And you can reply seller message 9. Click Discussion Panel to look all on going…
Share a RFQ Link to your Social Media 1. Click here. 2. You can edit the RFQ Content about to share 3. Click “Copy to clipboard” 4. Click one of Social Media that you want to share your RFQ List Panduan Pengguna Invoicing Purchase Bills to Buyers Monitoring Delivery History Starting a Discussion with the…
Create Request for Quotation Document to Vendors 1. Click “E-Purchasing” 2. Click “Request for Quotation” 3. Click “Insert” 4. Click “Select” on MR (Material Request) Document 5. Click “Detail” to check you choose the right Material Request Document 6. Click “Select” 7. Click this field and Type “Your RFQ Name”, so than vendor can understand…
Evaluating Quotation from Vendor 1. Click “E-Purchasing” 2. Click “Seller Quotation” 3. Click “Detail” 4. Click “Detail” for each item 5. You can see the detail Quotation from Seller 6. You can see additional cost that seller give for the Quotation 7. You can see tax that possible to be charge on the Quotation 8….
Create Purchase Order Request to Negotiate Vendor Quotation 1. Click “E-Purchasing” 2. Click “Purchase Order Request” 3. Click “Insert” 4. You can fill your validation for PO Request Document 5. Click “Select Seller” to choose Seller 6. Click “Select” 7. Complete your PO Request general information 8. Click “Add” on detail item 9. Click “Select”…
Issuing Purchase Order to Vendor 1. Click “E-Purchasing” 2. Click “Purchase Order” 3. Click “Insert” 4. Click “Select Seller Information” 5. Click “Select” 6. Complete general information about Purchase Order Document 7. Click “Add” to choose detail document based on PO Request 8. Click “Select” 9. Click “Attachment” if you want to add some attachment…
Pemberitahuan Pembaharuan Kebijakan Privasi
Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan dengan kewajiban mematuhi Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi (“UU PDP”) dan Komitmen dari PT Global Sukses Solusi, Tbk (selanjutnya disebut “Kami”) dalam melindungi setiap Data Pribadi Pengguna Layanan. Dengan ini Kami informasikan bahwa Kami telah memperbarui Kebijakan Privasi untuk seluruh Layanan. Kami mohon kepada seluruh Pengguna untuk membaca, memahami, dan memberikan persetujuan terhadap ketentuan yang tercantum dalam Kebijakan Privasi baru Kami, ini dapat diakses melalui :
Dengan berlakunya Kebijakan Privasi tersebut, seluruh ketentuan dalam Kebijakan Privasi sebelumnya akan tetap berlaku sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan dalam Kebijakan Privasi yang baru.
Demikian yang Kami sampaikan. Apabila Anda sebagai Pengguna Layanan memiliki pertanyaan atau memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut, silakan hubungi petugas Data Protection Officer (DPO) Kami melalui e-Mail di [email protected]