Respond to Vendor Discussions based on RFQ Documents

1. Click “E-Purchasing”

2. Click “Request for Quotation”

3. Click “Discussion” on each RFQ Document.

4. Click this button.

5. Click “Reply”

6. Click the “Message.” field.

7. Click “Send Message”.

8. And you can reply seller message

9. Click Discussion Panel to look all on going discussion.

10. Click the document on the list

11. You can Reply message on this panel

12. Click “Reload” to get the newest message

e-Procurement Platform dengan Harga

RUN Market e-Procurement Platform menawarkan solusi pengelolaan pengadaan dengan fitur terlengkap dan harga terjangkau. Pelajari paket berlangganan yang kami tawarkan untuk perusahaan Anda sekarang !