Kategori: Material Management

Create Material Request From Department User to Procurement Team

Create Material Request From Department User to Procurement Team 1. Click “Material Management” 2. Click “Material Request” 3. Click “Insert” 4. Click this text field. 5. Click “– Choose Purchase Category –“ 6. Click “Detail Item” 7. Click “Add” 8. Click “Select” 9. Click “Select” 10. Choose Usage Date for the item 11. Type Number…

Analyze Material Request from Department and Process It to Procurement Process

Analyze Material Request from Department and Process It to Procurement Process 1. Click “More Filter” 2. You can use this filter to filtering the Material Request Document 3. After Configure the Material Request document filter, you can click “apply” to get the result 4. After filtering Material Request Document from User, you can click “Process”…

Create Material Receive Documentation

Create Material Receive Documentation 1. Click “Material Management” 2. Click “Receiving Item” 3. Click “Insert” 4. Click “Select” to choose Seller 5. Click “Select” 6. Complete the General information of Receiving Item 7. Click “Add” on the detail form 8. Click “Select” to choose Purchase Order Document 9. Click “Select” to choose item that have…